2024-05-21 12:23

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Don’t Procrastinate - Know Your Prostate Says MHF

Men's Health Forum have produced a new booklet about prostrate health, to be published during Men's Health Week 2024 on 10th June to 1th June.

Entitled 'P For Prostate: Prostate Health Made Easy', it can be ordered now from the MHF website.

The prostate is a small organ that can have a big impact on a man’s life. For example, prostate cancer affects 1 in 4 black men and 1 in 8 white men. 

Whatever your age, P For Prostate will explain everything you need to know in one easy-to-read booklet.

  • Where it is and how it works
  • What can go wrong
  • Signs and symptoms
  • Tests and examinations
  • All aspects of prostate health
  • Living with prostate issues

Don’t procrastinate. Know your prostate.

You can order a copy, individual or in bulk, by visiting the Metal Health Forum's website - click the pic!

Pic: Bak to News icon link

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